Sunday, March 23, 2008

Finally - Sunday!

Easter is an uneasy time for the Church. It is a reminder of Jesus' death. Yesterday, I kept myself busy with little things that had to be done around home.

I thought of the disciples and how they must have spent the day. It was Sabbath and they could not go fishing. There movements would have been limited and their hope shattered. They would have had to deal with their consciences as well. Peter for denying that he knew Jesus, the others for running away.

It was a dark day.

However, today is Sunday! The Lord is risen. There is new hope and another chance.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holy Week

This is only the third year I observe Holy Week. The first year I was astounded by the strange practices my friends observed. Last year, I was in London and spent the week mostly in and around St Paul's cathedral.

If you are not familiar with Holy Week or its origins, I can recommend this article: It is simple and straight forward.

This year, I am so aware of the fact that Jesus died for me when He was only 33. I am 33 next month. I am so aware of the fact that I did not deserve it. I am aware of my own sin and wrong doing. I know I need God and every day I am on this journey I need Him more.

I am humbled by Jesus' reaching out to me.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I am grateful for (Wednesday, 12 March 2008)

This exercise was more difficult than I anticipated. I tend to get bogged down easily these days and the past ten days was no exception to that.

However, I did wake up looking for things I could thank God for and realised how much I take for granted every day.

As we are approaching Holy Week, I am so aware of my own sinful thoughts and actions and that I would have no shot at a relationship with God if He did not reach out to me. I am rash and foolish and totally lost without God.

It is my prayer that God will help me to be truly grateful every day.

Today my granny is 80. I thank God for her.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I am grateful for (Sunday, 9 March 2008)

- My friend, Adri-Marie, and her gift of leading people in worship
- My friend, Tom, and his gift of teaching as well as his faithfulness in preparation
- The newest Kleiter, Jean-Marie
- Friends who love children and make Kleipot fun for them
- Sunday nap
- Our new staff
- Training opportunities
- Liquidizer
- Ice
- Towels

I am grateful for (Saturday, 8 March 2008)

- My brother
- My washing machine
- My tumble dryer
- Sunshine
- Rain
- Autumn
- My friends, Hugh-Jean & Sanja (they have been married for 15 months now)
- My friends, Andre and Nerina
- My friends, Jan & Yvonne
- My friends, Imo-Rhesa & Reece

I am grateful for (Friday, 7 March 2008)

- Laughter
- My friend, tannie Sulette, and her understanding
- My medication
- My doctor
- Decaf coffee
- Fruit juice
- David who washes my car
- The opportunity I had to study Theology
- Online Bibles and study helps
- My sister (who is coming to visit this weekend!)

I am grateful for (Thursday, 6 March 2008)

- My friend, Mariana, and her medical knowledge

- The opportunity to study Greek & Hebrew

- A community who wants to obey God

I am grateful for (Thursday, 6 March 2008)

- My friend, Mariana, and her medical knowledge
- The opportunity to study Greek & Hebrew
- Google!
- A community that endeavours to serve God
- My friend, Lorraine, who cleans my office
- Rubbish removal
- Art and the opportunity to do art
- My friend, Alida and all her children
- Laptops & proxima's (makes study sessions SOOO much easier)
- We are painting our complex

I am grateful for (Wednesday, 5 March 2008)

- Fresh fruit
- Fresh water
- Gym
- Soap
- Jacques is not hurt (after his motor accident)
- Traffic lights
- CD's and good music
- E-banking
- Flowers
- Hugo and Nina started crawling!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I am grateful for (Tuesday, 4 March 2008)

- Jesus, who came to live on earth by choice;
- Petrol for my car;
- Airconditioning;
- A comfortable chair at work;
- Colleagues;
- My intellect;
- Skills God helped me to acquire;
- Training institutions;
- Training opportunities;
- Prayer

I am grateful for (Monday, 3 March 2008)

- My friend, Lollie
- Dentists (never thought I'd say this!)
- Painkillers
- My cat, Thomas
- My bed
- Running water
- Electricity
- Tea
- Yoghurt
- Sleep

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Ten things I am grateful for

It is so much easier to complain about things God is perceived not to do, than to stop and count my blessings.

For the next ten 10 I will endeavour to find ten unique (can't repeat what I listed before) things to be grateful for.

Today I am grateful for:

- friends who search for God's heart;
- my house;
- my car;
- my job;
- an accountability partner who really keeps me accountable;
- my Bible;
- that I can read;
- that I can write;
- access to a computer;
- access to the internet.

Lord, please help me to notice what is good in my life. Help me to truly grateful for it? In Jesus' Name, Amen