Monday, April 16, 2007

Being Church

I am back from my holiday in the UK and just loved it :-)

I visited some cathedrals, saw renovations to church buildings and saw yet some other church buildings closed or converted to shops. I thought about church and what being church really means.

St Pauls is an alltime favorite! It is awesome. When I stood inside (no pictures allowed, sorry) I thought about the Church as Jesus' bride. Church cannot be a building. It cannot be static. Church is me and you. Church is alive. When I looked at the splendour of the building I could not help to wonder what Church looks like to Jesus.

What is our role as Bride / Church? Surely we cannot just sit back and wait for our Groom. Our community are looking at seven invitations from Jesus this year. We looked at making Him Number One in our lives and now we are looking at spending time with Him. We call it 'plugging in daily'. Jesus wants to transform us, but we need to spend time with Him.

We need to form habits (maybe we could call it disciplines?) to set ourselves apart from the world and spend time with Jesus. We are His Bride. His representative (yes, singular) on earth. To represent someone, you need to know what that person would do or think. The only way to do this, is to spend time with them.

What a great opportunity and invite... plugging in, being able to listen to God and having the opportunity to speak to Him. Being able to transform ... not static, but alive.

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