Sunday, November 30, 2008

Still here

I am still here. I do not have clever ideas or bright insights or revelations, but I am still here.

Things that made an impression on me over the past weeks? Lots! There is a very brave lady in our community fighting cancer and dealing with depression at the same time. I take my hat off to her. You have to love her.

My cat's 'commonlaw wife' was poisoned and it made me sad. On the same day I broke my foot and I suppose I could reflect on the use of a left foot ;-)

My friends, Walter & Rialene, had a boy! Amazing little guy. My friends, Tom & Lollie's, little boy started walking. He has this look of sheer determination on his little face after every fall and then he gets up and tries again. Amazing. Young Tayla & Nina were such little ladies today and the boys were boys. I adore the kids. I could reflect on them and what I learn from them for weeks on end.

Advent started today. I do not have a 'Christmas feeling', but I do have hope. Jesus came to earth and dwelled in a body just like mine. Squatting on earth, just like us. He understands my joys and frustrations. He has walked this road with human feet - just like mine. I hope in Him. He encompasses my being. He is the Reason I am here. I am still here, because He is too.

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