Saturday, February 21, 2009

Work it out

Last Sunday a ‘distant colleague’ died in her sleep. Carolyn worked in a different department, but we shared the occasional lunch. In fact, we had lunch on Friday. She was 33, like me and her death came as a tremendous shock to me.

At the same time, it brought so many other issues to the surface. I come from a background where people would now be asking: “Where did she wake up?” They would probably turn this into an opportunity to evangelize the entire building. I am all for sharing the Good News. I am all for making a stand for Jesus. I love the idea that my job can be a tool in doing just this.

See, I think my job is a way to acknowledge that God is Number One and to make Him known as Number One. If God did not pave my way, I would not be in the position I am at the moment. Therefore the income generated by doing my job, also belongs to Him.

As Christians, a lot of eyes are watching our every move very closely and maybe even waiting for us to put a foot wrong. I am not suggesting that we are somehow immune or above making mistakes, but there are obvious guidelines.

A few of them could be:

  • How do I go around with company property? Do I abuse phones? Internet? Stationary?
  • Do I really give the company all the time I sell to them or do I waste time when I am supposed to work?
  • Is my work of the highest quality at all times?
  • How much time do I spend at work or working? Am I neglecting my family in favor of my job? If God is Number One, can I really work more than 60 hours a week? Is that fair to my family?
  • Just what is the message I give to my colleagues and employer in doing that? Am I for sale? Will I be the donkey doing ‘whatever it takes’? Or… dare I take a stand in favour of God and relationships?
  • How do I treat my superiors? Paul suggested we work as if for God Himself. Might not be a bad idea...
  • How do I treat my peers? Do I love them like I love myself? Or am I involved in unnecessary office politics?
  • How do I treat junior staff? The security guard? The cleaner? The graduate trainee? Do I consider them higher than myself and do I serve them or do I sit back and merely make
Working is an essential part of our community and social structure. However, it is only a means to another end. Our lives do not revolve around working; our lives revolve around God, our Number One. It is all about Him.

Our jobs bring us in contact with people who might not have contact with the Body in any other way. We are missionaries in Johannesburg. A lot of cliché’s come to mind… we might be the only Bible they read? Let’s say that is true… what do they read in my life? And yours?

The challenge is to keep God Number One, all the time. How do we do that? Maybe talking to God about our jobs is a good start? Maybe talking to God about each others’ jobs could follow on that?

I have a lot of questions and not many answers. If Carolyn could come back one more week, I would probably not change much in our relationship. Maybe I would spend more time praying for my colleagues? Maybe I will do just that.

We had a few frauds recently. Instead of joining in the gossip and crucifying the offenders, I could pray for my colleagues.

May God help us to make Him Number One in our day to day living. May God be with us when we work. May He inspire us and give us fresh ideas. May He use us to touch the people around us. May He work in us, so we will bear fruit.

I would love to know what your thoughts are on this matter?

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