Monday, June 29, 2009

God has a dream

I am white in a post-Apartheid South Africa. I am often overwhelmed with guilt because of that. Even though Nelson Mandela became our president in the first election I voted in and I never voted for an apartheid-government, I benefited from being white.

We had the best beaches. We had running water and electricity. My parents had better jobs as that were considered 'schooled' because they are white. I went to a university with good lecturers. I went to good (government) schools where we had stationary and books. My birth was registered. My parents' marriage was registered. My whole family have identity documents and passports. I could go anywhere - no restrictions applied.

More than what I had, is the fact that others did not have and still battle to get what we take for granted.

This morning, I started listening to "God has a dream" by Desmond Tutu (written and read by him)... and instead of condemnation I heard this old black man say: "God loves you. God cares for you. God has a dream..." Suddenly, he did not sound as dangerous as we were told when we were young. Suddenly, he sounded like an old and vulnerable messenger from God. "God loves you. God cares for you. God has a dream..."

I will probably write more posts about the book and this strange journey we are on. I believe that God has a dream. I believe that God wants His sun to shine over black and white. I want to want to (sic) love God and live His dream in our beautiful country. I look forward to the journey.

"God loves you. God cares for you. God has a dream..."

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