Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'll be back

Today is ascension day. The Church worldwide remembers the day that Jesus was taken up into heaven. I have often tried to put me in the disciples' shoes, but don't think I'll ever be able to.

Their Rabbi, their Jesus, lived with them and taught them, laughed with them, cried with them, walked with them, they saw His miracles and then He was crucified, He died and was buried.
The world as they knew it ended.

And then... three days later, He rose from the dead. They saw Him, spoke to Him, looked at His wounds. It was a miracle! Just forty days after He rose from the dead, He left. Taken into heaven. Gone. But He left the disciples and us with a promise: 'I'll be back'. He has gone to prepare a place for His Bride, the Church.

He did not leave us like orphans either, He sent another Comforter, the Holy Spirit. I will write about that in another post.

Today, the Church says, 'Maranatha, come Lord Jesus' and we know that He will be back. I think those first disciples often looked up, searching the sky, remembering that He said He will return the way He left. May we look forward to that day with the anticipation of a Bride preparing for her wedding day.

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