Monday, January 10, 2011

Electro Convulsive Therapy

Over the past six months I got caught up in a steady downward spiral. Eventually the only way out that made any sense was suicide. This is not a call for attention - quite the contrary.

This morning we started ECT (electro convulsive therapy) where I get electrical shocks under anaesthetic. There are supposed to be 6 treatments in a course (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Monday, Wednesday & Friday). However, this time we might have more as this morning wasn't really what my doctor had hoped for.

To make these treatments possible, I am also detoxing from just about all my meds. I am allowed 1/3 of my lithium and 300mg Seroquel per day. I am dizzy and nauseous. I am also not allowed to drive.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

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