Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Today I got my Irish passport! I am very excited. I am a born and bred South African, but had an Irish grandfather. My siblings applied for their Irish citizenship and passports years ago, but the idea just never appealed to me. Last year, I finally applied for Irish citizenship.

I am excited, because I am leaving for the UK on Friday and now I can stand in the 'short queue' on Heathrow :-) I will not need visums for EU countries again, because I am now an EU citizen.

All the excitement about citizenship reminded me of my most important citizenship. I am also a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven. This citizenship carries great benefits and some responsibility - the King of all kings became my Father.

The Creator of the Universe is interested in me and my wellbeing. He cared enough to come to earth and live as a human. He cared enough to take my punishment. He did not do a simple trade-off nor did He write some diplomatic agreement. He paid the full price. I am redeemed because of the price He paid.

And now... I am His ambassador. Paul writes that we are new creations. We are under a New Ruler with new rules.

New rules? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your fellow man as you love yourself. Just that.

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