Monday, March 26, 2007

Palm Sunday

This Sunday will be Palm Sunday. We will remember Jesus' final entry in Jerusalem. The crowds waving palms, throwing clothes on the ground... and Jesus, the King of Kings making His entry on a donkey. Simple, yet King. Humble, yet Lord of all creation.

I don't think God needs our praise, but we need to praise Him. God made us with the desire to worship and if we do not worship Him, we will find something else to worship.

I started reading through the Bible and often find myself wondering at the Jews - they knew God! They saw the cloud and fire columns! They should have known better than to make a calf! They should have known better than to complain all the time...

But then, don't I do the same? I don't make calves, but I adore technology. I do not complain about manna from heaven, but I do complain about a lot of other things.

May God change my heart so I will worship Him alone. May my praise in this week be true. I pray the same for you.

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