Monday, June 25, 2007

5 reasons why I dig (follow) Jesus

Tom tagged me to name the reasons why I follow Jesus:

  • He is compassionate. The Greek word that is used to describe His empathy in the Gospels, literally means that 'his stomach turned in empathy'.
  • He meets people on their own level and in their own circumstances and idiom. I am thinking of the women at the well; when he fed the multitude and then called Himself the Bread of Life, etc.
  • In His life on earth, He cared more about what God said than what people wanted, for example when He cleaned the temple. The popular thing would probably have been to turn a blind eye, but Jesus chased the dealers out with a whip.
  • His radicality was not limited to philosophy, He actually LIVED it. He ate with sinners, was in contact with lepers, He was friends with the illiterate - the social outcasts?
  • He gave me an opportunity. In fact, He gives me so many opportunities and chances every day... i.e. He first loved me and when I stumble and fall, He is always there to pick me up and He always allows me to try again.

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