Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Martin Luther, death and depression

One of our lecturers once told us an anecdote about Martin Luther.

Martin Luther played a vital role in the Church reformation in the 16th century. He was one of the first priests to marry (a nun whom he helped to escape) and had 6 children. His 95 statements are well known and the basis of the reformation.

When his son died, he took the boy's body to the seminary where he taught. As he laid it on a desk, he told his students that he is comforted by the fact that one day Jesus will return and when He does, He will walk over to his (Martin Luther's) grave, knock, and call: "Herr doctor Martin Luther, come out!"

I remember being shocked at the idea of a corpse in a seminary and then at the audacity of the German formality. Yet, today, I am comforted by Martin Luther's words.

I hope in God. Jesus will return and make all things new. He will raise the dead, He will give us new bodies. Yes, we are here and have a role to play on earth, now. However, Jesus will return. His Kingdom in which we live now, will span into eternity.

Today, I pray that God will renew my mind and help my unbelief.

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