Thursday, February 14, 2008


Paul (pronounced Pole) is probably my best buddy. He turns 3 in April and when he laughs, the sun shines and I see God's smile.

His mom is my accountability partner and also a good friend. On Saturday morning we were having our monthly accountability chat. We were in the playroom with the kids (Paul's siblings - twins - are 8 months old).

Hugo and Nina were rolling around, trying to crawl and Paul was playing with different toys. At one stage Hugo accidentally kicked Nina and Paul (hands in the sides) told him not to kick his little sister. Shortly after that Paul wanted to take a car outside. He had to pass Hugo. He simply 'drove' the car up to Hugo and very politely said: "Skiesie, Hugo" (Excuse me, Hugo). Hugo, of course, can't even crawl and there was no way he could move aside so his big brother could pass.

I chuckled at the interaction, but this morning, when I prayed for my young friends, including Paul, Hugo & Nina, I was reminded of Jesus' words. The kingdom belongs to these little ones.

I am amazed by the earnest expectation in every request. Paul honestly believes that his brother will do what he asked - even when the grown ups smile their knowing smiles (because we think it is unlikely), he asks.

I stopped asking many things because I remember past experiences. I stopped asking because I think I know the likelihood of my requests being granted. I stopped asking because I don't know what other people will think of me. Yet, we have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

I love my young friend and he taught me an invaluable lesson without even knowing that he did. I pray that God will give me the eyes of a child.

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