Our community is battling with the Holy Spirit. We have Christians from virtually every possible theological background - Charismatics, Pentecostals, Reformed... those who believe that you have to be baptized in the Spirit and talk in tongues and those who think we have the Spirit, otherwise it would be impossible to say "Jesus is Lord".
Obviously this leads of different expectations of God, each other and our meetings. Obviously not everybody wll be satisfied.
I have a lot of respect for Tom's wisdom, ability to teach and gentle manner. Over the past few months he repeated the same answers to the same questions in virtually every service. Now we are discussing the Spirit of God in Quarry (a Bible study session once a week for three weeks).
Last week we talked about the Spirit in the Old Testament and gospels. This week we will work through the remainder of the New Tesament and the next week we will look at the practice.
May the Spirit of God be known in our presence. May He manifest in the fruit we bear. May people be drawn to God through the way we conduct ourselves and may our quest bring us closer to God and each other.
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