Tuesday, July 31, 2007

When Ctrl + Z does not work

Over the past few years I learned that almost every error can be fixed with two simple keys - Ctrl + Z. But what if it does not work?

What if it is a real life (as opposed to typing / Formula) error? What if it is like a clay pot that fell and your life appears to be in shards? This is where I am today.

Even if you try to glue a clay pot together, it will never be the same. There will be gaps and missing pieces. However, this can be to God's honour. We have several broken pots in our community (literally) and sometimes we light candles inside them. The play of light is beautiful and says something of God, making the broken and fragile beautiful.

Today I have to trust God to pick up the pieces of my life and make something new. A clay pot that can let His light through. If God does not help me, all my efforts are in vain.

Just for today, I will hope in God. Even if He is silent now, I know He always spoke when the time was ripe. Even if it is dark, I know He always gave light on the right time. Even if I feel lost, I know He always marked the road before. Even if I am anxious, He has given me peace before. Even if I am weak, He has been my strength before. God has never let me down before.

Today, 31 July 2007, I dare to trust God. I dare to, once more, place my hope in Him.

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