Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I own a cat (who thinks he owns me). His name is Thomas O'Malley. For some unknown reason, Thomas likes to bring me little gifts which he always leaves in the same spot in front of my bed. These vary from rats to snakes and then pieces of paper I suspect was blowing in the wind.

I wish Thomas would understand that I love him and I really do not want him to catch all these things and bring it home. I juct want him to be a cat. I want him to be home when I get there. I want him to snuggle. I want him to be happy. I do not want him to roam and hunt.

Last night Thomas took a long long looooong walk and only returned home at 2:00 this morning. I didn't sleep much. I got up several times to look for him. I did not want him outside, in the cold and dark night.

I suspect we might be a bit like Thomas. God wants us to be His children and to be obedient. However, instead of obedience, I try to bring sacrifices. Truth be told, these sacrifices don't always look like I envisioned it.

I want to hear God's voice. I pray that God will help me to do what He wants, when He wants. I also pray that God will help me to experience His love for me.

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