Thursday, January 24, 2008

Anxious heart

Lord, on a day like today my heart is anxious
and the waves seem HUGE
and I am sinking.
Today I am scared of my job and the markets are volatile,
I am scared of Africa and government's decisions,
I am scared of loadshedding and shortages in our country.
Yet, somewhere deep down, I know that you lead your people through a desert;
there were worse times in the market;
there was life before Eskom and electricity;
our future is not in the hands of the government - it is in your hands.
So Lord, please calm the storms in my heart.
Help me to see your hand?
Please give me courage and wisdom for today?
Please guide me and my friends through this rough patch?
Lord, without you all our efforts are in vain.
Without you life is simply not worth the effort.
Please extend your comfort and your love in this confusing day?
In Jesus' Name

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