Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I quit

Lord, I could never understand how winners never quit,
but you're supposed to quit while you're ahead.
This morning, I am not ahead. I am not a winner. I am the weakest link.
I am broken in my spirit and in my body and I am unfit to sign up to run the race this year.
I cannot sign up for a race I am pretty sure I can't complete.
Lord, I carry more burdens than a year ago, I still have injuries. I cannot do this.
Last night, I was listening to my friends talking about you
and what they believe you would like us to do this year.
I didn't have the guts to tell them it takes EVERYTHING I have
just to get up in the morning and face another day.
I didn't have the guts to tell them how often I thought of just ending it all.
I couldn't tell them that I don't have the guts to pray,
because just the opposite of what I ask seem to happen ALL the time.
Lord, I am the foreigner in Jerusalem
who do not have a clue of what is happening in their lives
and it is probably my own fault.
I alienated them when I closed up my life, trying to survive.
So Lord, today I quit. I can't do this anymore.
When I listen to them and how they pray for others,
I am reminded of what I am not and I can not.
I can not be a burden to a team, so I quit.
Yet, I have to ask you one more thing - please help me to live today,
to look life in the eye - just today, please Lord?
In Jesus' Name,

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