Saturday, October 24, 2009


The past few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster.

Our community is adopting new rhythms - we are meeting on Wednesdays / Thursdays now, we are memorising Scripture and have weekly tasks. This new setup is a little unsettling to the introvert in me. The smaller groups and the fact that we all face each other (in a circle) make the whole experience more intimate and personal.

The homework becomes a rhythm during the week... and we have our own social network site. Funky ;-)

Through all of this, I was confronted by my own emotions and thoughts about God as a Father, an Author and a Mother (Psalm 131). It is difficult.

My mom is also back in hospital. Her 'new' stomach closed up and for the past 2 months did not let any food through. In essence, she was starving. She has lost 26 kg in this process. Yesterday the doctors flushed the food that got stuck between her throat and stomach. She still has a draining pipe through her nose to clear the remainder and another pipe in her throat to feed her. On Wednesday, the doctors plan to operate and cut out 'everything that is wrong'. It is obviously an emotional time for her and those who love her.

My dad broke up with his girlfriend, and found a new one...

It is also our financial year end and we are working really hard (being in Treasury).

Sometimes I think I should try to make sense of it all, but mostly, I just know that I am broken. I know I do not understand. I can't explain God or His plans, but I am still looking for Him in all of this.

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