Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A whole new world opened to my friend when he embarked on this new course. Amongst other things his wife is concerned about the content of the books he now enjoys. Lately he has been reading some of the Dalai Lama's work and soon the conversation steered in that direction.
In a conversation about disarming hostile countries, the Dalai Lama commented that taking their weapons away whilst their souls are still armed, is senseless. Disarming starts inside, surrender your weapons and guns will not be a temptation to you.
When Jan said this, something clicked. When I went back to my community, I did so with a huge amount of reservation and definitely armed and dangerous. I walked in with my ideas of how things will be going forward, who I will allow close to me and where my boudaries are. I was determined that nothing would get me down again and nobody would hurt me, because they won't be close enough to do so.
After listening to Jan last night, I think I heard Jesus asking me to disarm. Put down the weapons one by one. Be exposed. After all, the body is integrated. If you are not integrated, you can at best be like a broken limb - causing pain and held in position with plaster of paris.
I pray that God will grant me the guts to surrender my agenda, my arms and all my ammunition; to be disarmed again; to really be part of His body. Just one day at a time.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Giving thanks
This morning we spoke about Jesus and the ten lepers (at the hand of Luke 17) and how the Samaritan turned back to thank Jesus whilst the 9 Jewish lepers continued their 5 day journey to the temple (following Jesus' instruction).
Leprosy is not common in our modern society, but there are other illnesses that does what leprosy did in the time of Luke. This morning we mentioned Aids. I have to mention mental illnesses.
This year I felt like a leper. I isolated myself and when I was amongst people, I 'knew' I was different. Some of my friends tried to help. Some just avoided me. Some told others they are praying for me. Today I am grateful for children.
Paul and Tayla are both two and a bit years old. I am so grateful that God and their parents allowed me to be a part of their lives. They never looked at me strangely. There were no awkward silences. We just played. If I were a fan of cloning, I'd probably have those two cloned - I pray that everybody will have somebody like Paul and Tayla in their lives. They don't judge or question you. They simply enter into conversation about anything around. They learn and teach. They became Jesus to me.
I am not a leper. I may do things different from the way I did a year ago, but I am still me. I am grateful that God carried me in this year. I had a cancer scare, but no cancer. I had an accident with my car, but wasn't hurt. My parents got divorced, but I still have parents. My mom was really sick and had a big operation, but she is a little better every day. I work hard, but I have a good job.
God's mercies truly are new every morning. I pray hat He will help me to see the beauty in every day. I pray that He will alert me to the simple things in life. A child's laughter, a wild flower, a sunset... and that when I do see it, I will remember the Source and remember to thank Him. After all, it is only good manners ;-)
Friday, November 23, 2007
Some days...
I have a few young friends who seem to like Winnie the Pooh & friends and now I notice Winnie, Tigger & Eeyore.
I read this truth by Eeyore this morning and couldn't agree more.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Multitude of blessings
Celtic confession
count us not at nothing, O Christ,
count us not as nothing, O kind Spirit,
nor abandon us to eternal loss.
We confess our sins to you, Father, Son, and Spirit Holy.
Compassionate God of life, your kindly pardon give:
for our careless talk,
our broken oath,
our empty speech;
for all that we have left undone,
for all that we have done amiss.
Jesus, only-begotten Son and Lamb of God the Father,
you gave the blood of your body to save us from the grave.
As we receive the Word and knowledge of your forgiveness,
enshield us, encircle us,
each day, each night, each dark, each light.
Uphold us, be our treasure, our triumph everlasting;
strong Son of God most high.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Standing, falling, sitting, standing and falling
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Budgets and the day of tomorrow
- A feasible budget for 2008
- Progress from where we are
- Margin / saving in our (individual) budgets
I am excited to see how much effort they make with our community's finances. See, I think money is a gift from God. We are His stewards taking care of His money and therefore we have to be wise and knowledgable.
About a year and a half ago our stewards started praying this prayer and asked us to join them in doing so:
"Two things I ask of you, O Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the Lord?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God. " Prov.30:7-9
This prayer is part of today's preparations for the workshop. This is still my prayer. Our Father, only our daily bread - just for today. Thank you for your provision today. Thank you for your mercies that are new every morning. Thank you for your love and care and thank you that you made days and nights - and thank you that I can trust you with my entire being today. Thank you for my friends and that they can help me plan for tomorrow and next year. Lord, I pray that you will always be Number One in our finances. Please help us to always acknowledge and worship the Giver, not the gift. In Jesus' Name.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Gandhi or Hitler?
In the very first chapter (on authenticity) she states that we all have the potential to be a Gandhi or a Hitler... or any shade of grey in between. By denying your dark (shadow?) side, you only make matters worse.
I have always believed that a drunk person is usually an honest person, because there is no pretense left and no harm perceived in letting their guard (even further) down. I am starting to think that people suffering from depression is not much different. Authenticity is not this ideal anymore - it just happened.
When I read some of my posts in retrospect, I cannot believe how much I said and how much of it I meant at the time. Maybe I have lost my tact or maybe I am just tired of pretending. I crave what is real.
I feel stripped. I feel exposed. I know that I am lost without God. I have never needed my friends' love to cover me more.
I can be Gandhi or Hitler or anything in between. I pray that God will be with me and that He will mold me. I pray that He will guard my mouth and that I won't hurt others with what I am saying. I pray that He will cover me with His love and help me to love Him with everything I have and others as myself.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Back to basics
When I first saw the psychiatrist, she told me that I am the manager and she the consultant of this depression. I could ask her questions, she could explain, give me some guidance and a script, but I had to actively manage it. Management included regular exercise, a proper diet, enough sleep, limited caffeien and alcohol.
A month of chaos lead to zero routine and today I am down and battle to concentrate. I feel detached and suspicious. I am tired and weepy and feel just stupid.
Today I pray that God will help me to manage depression better and to get back into my routine. When I am in a routine, I can function. I used to take pride in it that I can adapt quickly, but I seem to have lost that ability.
I need God to shelter me. I need to know that He is there and that He has good intentions. I cannot understand how a good and loving God can allow something like depression with its crushing effects in my life. There is almost nothing left of my relationships before depression. For the first time ever, I battle to understand the first time someone explains something to me. The medication I take, have all kinds of side effects - some become more tolerable over time and others (like morning sickness for the past nine months, even though I am definetely not pregnant) I will probably never get used to.
I don't want to have this disease. I don't like what it does to me and those around me. I have asked God to heal me, I have confessed every possible sin, others prayed for me and still pray for me. Then there is the guilt because I almost always feel blue and others tiptoeing - not wanting to ask or say anything. I am still me, even though I became a stranger to myself. I am still the person I was when I became your friend.
Today, I pray that God will keep me safe. I think I will go to gym in lunchtime and try to do my bit. Even though I don't understand much now.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Blessed to be a blessing
I think there are a few common misperceptions regarding spiritual gifts. Somewhere along the line, we added up the gifts Paul and Peter listed and defined the ultimate list of gifts. It became a check sheet to see just how holy we are. All of a sudden, there were people who were more spiritual than others.
Then we expanded the list... we included a few 'practical things' like leading worship. We have great worship leaders in our community and I love them. However, I do not love them more than the person compiling the data for our calendar or the person offering a meal to someone.
I believe we complicate a simple matter. We are still blessed to be a blessing and gifted so we can give. So what is a gift then? A gift is whatever God gave me - every talent and skill, every asset, all of it. What am I to do with these gifts? Pass it on. Serve God and serve the body.
We received freely and therefore need to give freely. We need to edify (build) the body. We need to apply our minds, bodies and hearts (with all our passion) to serve God and the body of Christ.
Maybe we don't need lists and categories of gifts. Maybe we don't even need to colour code or file it. Maybe we must just do it. Just be. Come as you are. Use what you have in your hand (Moses).
Maybe the most important part is to pitch up, ready to put my entire being and all 'my possessions' on the altar.
After all we are blessed to be a blessing and gifted to give...
Friday, November 02, 2007
To love or not to love
I am just so tired.
On my Google screen, there are quotes of Mother Theresa (ironically, my mom's name is Theresa). Today's quote is: "Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."
I am tired. I don't know how to help my mom. Helplessness frustrates me. When I get agitated, I don't exactly feel like I love my mom.
What is love anyway? If it is a fuzzy feeling, I fail. If it is never to get angry, I fail. If love is to serve all the time, I'm not sure I'm doing a good job. The only way I can think of to love my mom, is to go back there tomorrow. I hope she sees a small part of my heart and care. May God keep my intentions pure and help me to communicate it properly.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you live life? Just one day at a time.
May God work a miracle in my heart and help to love the way He does. Tirelessly. Over and over. Seventy times seven times and then just one more time.