Monday, December 03, 2007


In our community we have a great rhythm. In January we formalise our growth plans for the year and discuss it with our accountability partners. They need to agree that the plans are realistic, yet challenging - after all the purpose is to grow.

This year my accountability partner and I were all charged up and confident that we will do a lot more than we said in our plans. We are both fairly disciplined and probably both used to over-achieving. Then life happened.

Sakkie and Lindie now have two more little miracles sharing their home. Hugo and Nina were born in the winter. Paul turned out to be a great big brother. If you have read my blog over the past year, you would know that life happened to me as well.

The point of the story? It is Advent. It is time to prepare for my walk with God in the year to come. Yes, we will formalise new plans, but they might look a bit different.

What was simple, e.g. reading a few chapters in my Bible before the crack of dawn, is now complex. I need 8 hours of sleep per night, not because I am lazy, but because my mind really needs it. I still battle to concentrate when reading and I miss it a lot. I miss picking up my Bible (or another book) and getting lost in it.

My new plan? I don't know yet. This morning I was listening to an audio Bible on my way to work. Maybe that could solve a part of my problem?

I know I am more humble than a year ago. I know that in myself I am not much. I know I made a lot of mistakes. I know I am a broken clay pot. I pray that I will know God more intimately - I pray that Lindie and her family will know God more intimately. I pray that He will help us, not only to make a list of plans, but also to see it through. It really is about Him, after all.

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