Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Electroboy / ECT 4 of 6

Yesterday I had my fourth ECT session.

Thus far, the side effects have been minimal compared to the benefits. Yes, I did have muscle pain, but it is less intense now than a week ago. I do have headaches. I also do have minor short term memory loss.

My hands and are bruised and my lower lip has a deep bite. However, this is due to anaesthetic and not the therapy.

On the upside, I am no longer suicidal. I can see the flaws in my argument that I simply could not see ten days ago. I, once again, have the most basic human instinct - survival.

Today, I am grateful to God for medicine and medical intervention. My psychiatrist is an angel. Whilst the anaesthetist was digging for a vein, she was holding my hand and stroking my hair. I am grateful to God for this wise woman and her gentle spirit. I am grateful for my friends who cooked for me in this time or bought me frozen meals or offered to do so. I am grateful for friends who get up at 4 AM to get me to the hospital in time. I did not and do not deserve any of this and am truly humbled.

Should you want to know more about ECT's, please click here and follow the link. Electroboy became the posterboy for treating bipolar disorder with Electro Convulsion Therapy.

Tomorrow I'll have the fifth session and on Friday the sixth, and for now final.

I expected the entire process to be intrusive and much worse. Tonight, all I feel is gratitude...

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